Rosaline's Story
By Heather Sherrill
jul. 25, 2018
A single rose, the vibrant color sprouting out on top, the thorny stem plunging down below, can change an entire room with its fragrance. Rosaline means “lovely rose.” Here is her story.
Rosaline grew up in Sierra Leone, a predominately Muslim country on the western coast of Africa. She was first introduced to Young Life by a leader at her high school who was persistent in asking Rosaline to come to club. After weeks of her leader asking, she finally decided to go. She sat in the back, reluctantly watching the beautiful chaos that is Young Life club unfold before her eyes. After coming to club for a few weeks, Rosaline decided to give her life to Christ. At first, she was apprehensive to fully commit to this newfound faith out of fear that her family would disown her. However, as she grew in her relationship with Jesus, she began to realize that following Him was worth losing everything. Rosaline became the first female leader in her club.
Rosaline’s father did not approve of her dramatic change in religion. His Muslim faith was disrupted by her passionate pursuit of Jesus. This led to many arguments that left Rosaline feeling frustrated and disappointed. Her father accused Young Life club of being a “shisha meeting,” a place where people went to smoke hookah. But Rosaline was persistent, telling her father, “This is a good organization, they only do good.” Rosaline says her father began to recognize the change that was happening in her life.
One day, while Rosaline was on her way to Young Life club, her father followed her there. He sat in the back of the club room, much like his daughter just years earlier, and watched. After this meeting, he continued coming to club and ended up giving his life to Jesus. He is now the principal at the high school that Rosaline attended. Young Life is thriving there today. “Young Life changed our lives,” Rosaline said, “We are forever grateful.”
As Rosaline became more and more involved in Young Life, her area director encouraged her to apply for the Developing Global Leaders program. Rosaline applied and is now a Developing Global Leader. She is able to attend college and gain an education to further impact her nation. She will be a leader in a country where the national literacy rate is just 37 percent. She hopes to go on Young Life staff after she graduates college and impact more kids just like herself.
Rosaline means “lovely rose.” Her fragrant love for Jesus was so strong that her father was moved to follow her that day to Young Life club, where he encountered Christ. Now the lives of countless teenagers are being changed in Sierra Leone because of Rosaline’s obedience to the call of God on her life.
Developing Global Leaders is raising up young people to be passionate world-changers for Christ. Whether through continued involvement with Young Life or as people of faith and character in education, government or business, these global leaders will have a transforming impact in places desperate for change. Learn more here.