Taking the Lead
An Interview with President of Joe Gibbs Racing, Author and Young Life Alumnus, Dave Alpern
By Jonathan Schultz
June 7, 2021

In 2017, I had the privilege of getting to know Dave Alpern as we honored him and his wife, Stacey, with the Young Life Distinguished Alumni Award for that year. Little did I know at that time that I was not only interviewing the president of Joe Gibbs Racing, but also the future author of his new book, Taking the Lead, released on June 8, 2021. Similarly, little did I know that only two years after that first interview I would be talking to Dave about his dear friend, JD Gibbs, in the context of honoring JD and his wife, Melissa, with our 2019 Young Life Post-Humous Achievement Award. In the same way that our paths have crossed multiple times over the years, Dave has purposed that his new book embraces his entire life and is crisscrossed with leadership lessons learned from friends, family, faith and business.
When asked how long it took to write Taking the Lead, Dave was quick to point out that it was truly a lifetime in the making, but the seeds were planted 10 years ago upon the passing of his father. Dave’s father was a high-ranking CIA official who traveled the world. In Dave’s words, “My father began writing a book, but he got cancer and passed away, so our family lost out on hearing his story. When that happened, I decided that I wanted to finish a book to share my story and God’s faithfulness.” Then, after JD got sick, and Dave became president of Joe Gibbs Racing, the time was right to tell his story, while also honoring his best friend. To this end, Dave has insisted that all author proceeds from Taking the Lead be given to the JD Gibbs Legacy Fund to benefit urban Young Life work in Charlotte, North Carolina.
Speaking of JD; when asked who he was, Dave responded by quoting JD’s wife, Melissa, who stated, “JD Gibbs was the first peer I ever met to whom God mattered.” Dave continued, “He never wavered from that. JD was a consistent, faithful friend, who loved Jesus first and foremost. He lived it out, he didn’t just talk about it. JD was my picture of what it was to follow Jesus in high school, in business, as a dad and as a man.” In fact, when asked about the most influential leaders in his life, Dave named JD and his father, “Coach” Joe Gibbs. In Dave’s words, “During my 30 years with Joe Gibbs Racing, those two Gibbs men have been models of different kinds of leadership styles, but both have been steady, loving and caring leaders and both are men that I have learned from.”
When asked about what he hopes to accomplish through Taking the Lead, Dave is quick to point out that this is not the typical leadership book written by a hard-charging, “type-A, alpha-leader.” Rather, Dave is a self-professed “reluctant” leader who hopes that this leadership book will tell the story of God’s faithfulness in his life and on Joe Gibbs Racing. That it will encourage the person who is just starting out in their career, is in the middle or is a senior executive. Finally, that it will serve as a testament for future generations of his family, and ultimately, will point people to Jesus.

As to Young Life’s place in Dave’s life and Taking the Lead, Dave is adamant that Young Life cannot be separated from his story and, beginning with JD Gibbs and his Young Life leader, Rick Beckwith, the mission has taught him much about leadership. “Just like Rick was intentional in my life so many years ago and met me where I was at, I try to be a Young Life leader wherever I go. I don’t believe that a title makes you a leader; rather, you earn the right as you show up and care for people. We are to treat people as a soul, not a transaction. This was modeled to me in Young Life; it was something I first lived out as a Young Life leader.”
If you are interested in learning more about Taking the Lead, or ordering your own copy, visit In the words of Young Life President Newt Crenshaw, “Taking the Lead is about a man’s willingness to serve. Dave Alpern’s humility, transparency and perseverance are inspiring. But his abiding loyalty to those around him, especially to JD Gibbs, and his deep faith in Jesus Christ are at the foundation of his leadership and life story. In the end, we witness a leader who embodies the cultural values of Joe Gibbs Racing: honor God, put people before profits and relentlessly pursue winning. It’s like Dave is standing before us in the race of life and giving the command, “Ladies and gentlemen, start your engines!”