Capernaum Camp Goes Virtual

By Pam Harmon
oct. 12, 2020

For families affected by disability, being isolated is not a new experience. Families with a child with a disability often feel alone and forgotten. Many feel forgotten by schools, communities, government and churches, but God has not forgotten them even during a global pandemic. Our Young Life Capernaum leaders have persisted and pursued. During this unique season, they have been creative and innovative, delivering fun, friendship and dance parties on porches and driveways all over the world! They have played games, drawn with sidewalk chalk, taken walks, used window markers on storm doors and thrown water balloons in parking lots. Young Life leaders are hosting Zoom lunches, virtual clubs, virtual camps and drive-by events. Young Life hasn’t stopped pursuing kids and we won’t.

Our Capernaum families do not feel alone or forgotten. Families are able to experience God’s love right alongside their sons and daughters. Frequently, parents help their child join Zoom meetings to participate in club or Campaigners and then stay in the room listening to the club talk and participating in cabin time. They are dancing, playing games and learning more about who Jesus is right alongside their daughter or son. It’s like family camp right in their own home!

This summer, Capernaum served nearly as many campers at our virtual camps as we did last summer at in-person Young Life properties! Jesus has not been lessened in these camp experiences, even with them being all virtual. One camper from Virginia was very hesitant before virtual camp because he was worried he would feel overlooked and wouldn't get close with his buddy like he did last year at camp. However, by the end of the time together, he was in tears because he didn't want it to end. He expressed that he felt close to Jesus, to his friends and didn't feel angry anymore.

For this young man the last "camp" day was Sunday morning when they virtually went to church together. His Young Life leaders discussed how the church is a family; it is all of us loving God and loving people. Here is a text he sent after camp, "I wanted to thank you for doing the virtual camp. It was the closest I’ve ever been to Jesus and I am not as angry now because Jesus has been telling me that there’s nothing to be angry at. I’m no longer mad at anyone." Jesus is using these virtual camps to bring hope and healing to all who participate.

Please continue to pray with us that more teens with disabilities will experience God’s faithfulness and love through Young Life Capernaum. God is with us, God has not forgotten us, God loves us.

Young Life is a mission devoted to introducing adolescents to Jesus Christ and helping them grow in their faith.

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